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The Six Characteristics of Toxic Leadership

The majority of the articles that I have written are focussed on good leadership. This one focuses on the other end of the spectrum – Toxic Leadership. The reason I’ve done this is because ‘you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’. You need to be aware of the…


Why High Performers Struggle with Feedback

Challenge and feedback are both valuable but often difficult to receive. Why? How can something that is good for you generate a negative emotional reaction? Challenge reminds us that there are many ways in which we can view the world. It reminds us that there are other perspectives out there rather than just our own.…


Mental Models: Choosing your Reaction

On the weekend, I was witness to an argument in a park in South London. A group of teenagers somehow got into an argument with a woman that was sat adjacent to them on a picnic table. I don’t know what was said initially and only realised that an argument was starting as people’s voices…